If you are having problems receiving pressure with your Comet 1204.0564 Pressure Regulator, it may be time to replace some parts. Use this Repair Kit for the Comet 1204.0564 Pressure Regulator (1204.0564RK) if you need to replace wearing parts.
The two most common ways to detect if your regulator needs to be repaired is if it leaks or if you notice you aren't receiving the pressure you used to. When a regulator leaks, liquid will exit through the handle, most likely indicating that seals or o-rings need to be replaced. If you notice over time that the regulator has decreased pressure and you have to adjust it to increase pressure, this most likely indicates the seat or springs need to be replaced.
Repair Kit for the Comet 1204.0564 Pressure Regulator (1204.0564RK) includes: