The Delavan PowerFlo 7812-201 12-Volt DC Diaphragm Pump delivers a maximum flow of 2 GPM and maximum pressure of 60 PSI, making it suitable for light-duty operations that involve fluid transferring, carpet cleaning, and agricultural spraying.
The combination of this Delavan PowerFlo 7800 Series 3-chamber positive displacement pump with a 12-Volt DC motor provides you with a high level of performance in your spraying applications. With the addition of its Santoprene diaphragm and Viton valves, you'll have no troubles handling many common agricultural chemicals without the worry about damaging the internal components of the pump.
Built into this Delavan PowerFlo 7800 Series Diaphragm Pump is a 60 PSI pressure demand switch, which eliminates the need for a pressure regulator. The pressure demand switch is designed to turn the pump on automatically as line pressure drops, and turn the pump off automatically as line pressure increases. Take note that demand pumps require a balanced flow in order to work at maximum efficiency. If the nozzle on the spray gun or spray boom is too small, flow may be restricted, resulting in your demand pump shutting off.
We recommend using the AA-122-1/2-PP-16 Line Strainer with this Delavan Demand Pump because it helps eliminate contaminates from running through the pump.